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parent training focused on teaching communication and coping skills to young children with autism 



As parents of young autistic children, you're no stranger to the challenges that come with raising a child with unique needs. At times, those needs can present challenges for your child and your family such as...



Difficulty appropriately communicating wants and needs

Refusing to follow directions or perform specific tasks

Insisting on doing things a certain way or in a specific order 

Displaying challenging or dangerous behavior such as temper tantrums when…

…they don’t get their way or they’re told, “No”

…their attempts to communicate aren’t understood

…their favorite activities are ended

…change is made to their routine or schedule

…they are asked to do something they don’t want to do  



Did you know that unwanted problem behavior such as temper tantrums, aggression, and hurting oneself is due to a lack of skills?


While this can present tremendous challenges for autistic children and their families, this is also good news! Why? Because it means that those missing skills can be identified and taught to the child.


Learning new skills and strengthening those that are beneficial and necessary results in fewer instances of frustration. This means that problem behavior will be less likely to occur! 


That's why the Balance Program was developed. It's a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to supporting children with autism and their families. 

Introducing The Balance Program! 
     - A parent training program created by Drs. Kelsey Ruppel and Greg Hanley

Autistic girl crying
Autistic child hitting parent

The Balance Program is designed to give you the tools and resources you need to help your child...


learn to communicate their wants and needs

tolerate the unpredictability that life throws our way

cooperate with the directions given to them throughout each day


It helps to establish a stronger foundation of necessary critical life skills that will help them now and in the future.




Whether you're struggling with behavior issues, seeking support for your child's development, or simply looking for ways to improve your family dynamics, the Balance Program can provide you with the help you want and need.

Online Teacher

With a focus on evidence-based practices and a collaborative approach to targeting skill development, the Balance Program is the perfect solution for parents looking for a comprehensive, integrated approach to supporting their child with autism.


Your consultant will work closely with you to develop a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique strengths and needs and the family’s goals.


After completing the Balance Program, you will see:


Improved communication and social skills

Increased independence and self-sufficiency

Better behavioral management

Enhanced overall quality of life for your child and family​

Don't let the challenges of raising a child with autism take over your life. Let us help you find balance and achieve the best possible outcome for your child with the Balance Program. Click the button below to get started today!

Program Components

12 Weeks of Training & Support

Through weekly meetings and observations, you will receive compassionate and judgement-free guidance and support provided by an experienced BCBA. You and your child dictate the pace of the Program, moving on to the next step only after you are comfortable and confident with the implementation of the skills you've learned thus far.

Balance Program Parent Handbook

Your comprehensive guide to navigating every step of you and your child's journey towards growth and development. The Parent Handbook provides a step-by-step outline of the Program and its expectations. The purpose and goals of each step are clearly identified, along with a detailed description of what to practice in between check-ins with your BCBA.  

APP for Data Collection & Video Trainings

Streamline data collection and empower BCBA-guided decision-making with the user-friendly app provided to all implementors of the program. This ensures your child's program is data-driven, individualized, and optimally implemented. The app offers the added benefit of interractive video trainings at your fingertips to maximize progress. 

One-On-One Coaching & Consulting

Your dedicated BCBA will work closely with you to address your unique concerns, provide expert advice, and help you navigate the challenges you may encounter along your journey in the Balance Program. Through these tailored sessions, you will gain valuable insights, learn effective strategies, and receive ongoing feedback and support to ensure your confidence and success.

Program Goals


Initial Goals
  • Strengthen trust in the parent-child relationship

  • Allow the child some control of their experiences via functional communication

  • Teach children that problem behavior is unnecessary


Ultimate Goals
  • Create balance between child-led and adult-led interactions

  • Allow for some shared control of the daily activities and interactions

  • Teach both parent and child to be present and available to each other

  • Prepare the child for inevitable daily disappointments and ambiguities

  • Provide your child with the hope that undesired or difficult situations eventually

  • Help children understand that good things follow expected behavior

  • Develop and refine critical life skills such as play, communication, toleration, cooperation, and persistence

Mother and child playing
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